Business tax ( For Villas ): 3 % of the purchasing price.
契税 ( 别墅 ): 购买成交价的3%.
互联网Some factors affecting the purchasing price for second hand ship are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively.
互联网Catherine : You are in luck , Jerry, the insurance is covered in the purchasing price.
您很幸运, 保险已经算在购买价里了.
互联网Be responsible for negotiation of purchasing price to optimize products cost.
互联网The purchasing price of raw materials, fuel and power came down by 3.2 percent.
原材料 、 燃料、动力购进价格下降3.2%.
互联网Assist purchasing specialist in negotiation of purchasing price to optimize products cost.
互联网He decided to sell the products at a price lower than his purchasing price.
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